Saturday, December 31, 2011

KA RAMVAK (A ropui lo!)

Mizoram chim lam khaw lar ve tak Saiha atanga km 19-a hla Bualpui (Ng) khua-ah ka piang a. Ka tet deuh lai chuan ram chhuah leh lui kal tih vel hrat ve tak ka ni. Zirna avangin pawl sarih ka zawh hnuin Lunglei lamah ka awm a, High shool ka zawh hnuin Aizawl lamah ka insuan phei leh a. Mahni khuah tak chuan ka awm rei lo khawp mai. Ka haw khát bawk a, ka haw ve chang chuan ram ka vak ve zeuh zeuh thin a, nuam ka ti thin khawp mai. Thian nei lem lovin ram hla tak takah chawfun nen ka ram chhuak fo va engmah han kah loh pawhin ramngaw hnuaia tei mai mai kha nuam ka ti thin. Kum 2010  March thla khan khaw lamah ka haw a, tihtur a awm vak lo bawk a, inrinni tuk khat chu chawfun lian tawk tak nen Namtawngpil ram Lungsekawt lamah elhbun phir nen Zawng kah tur a awm takin, tiin ka ram chhuak a.

Khaw lamah awm lohna a lo rei a, chu lai ram chu a hma lawka an lo neihna (chul) a lo ni a, a reh duh khawp mai. Lungsekawt tláng ka then chuan Thanghlira thinzai phur ka tawk a. Ani hi an in sakna tur thingzai thiarin a lo riak a, phurh zawh hman loh a hlauh avangin Sunday hman a  tum a lo ni. Ram chinchang ka hre vak lo bawk a, ram vahna tur te ka zawt a. Tichuan, Zawng an awm takin ka tia, lo vau-a luikawr chu zawh thlak ka tum a. Rinai takin a pang a lo chhia a, vawi khat phei chu ka lum lo chauh a ni. Chhawl a ro rip rep tawh nen ram vak e ti lo chuan ka ri thla rawk rawk zel a ni ber a, sa pawh awm se an kal bo hman zel ang! Ka chhuk zel a, kawr chu a lo zau ve tial tial a, tui erawh a tlem khawp mai. Tui chu ka tuithawl khat chun ka’n thal a, ka han in a, hah a dam sawng sawng a. Luikamah chuan kawhtebel kung hnih rah bawr tha deuh a lo awm kher a, ka lak hnu chuan ka ip  chu a puar tha duh khawp mai.

Sawi angin chu lai ram chu a chheng chhe em em a, hmun danga han kalna vakna a awm lova, bakah ram ka hre vak lo bawk nen lui chu ka zawh thla zel a. Nakinah chuan saza hnu thar, a tui daina pawh la hul lo, huh deuh dap hi ka hmu a, thawm dim a har bawk sia ka phawk a nih ka ring a. A hnu han chhui a har bawk si, lui chu ka zawh thla leh ta ringawt a. Ram vak ve si lui dung zawh reng rengin ka kal ka kal a. Thui fe ka kal hnu chuan kham sang deuh mai, han helna mai tur a awm lo a lo awm a, hmunphiah a tam bawk si tlem a tlemah ka pen liam tep maw le! Tun hnua ka ngaihtuah chhuah chang apiang hian ka la tim uai uai thei nia maw le! Hetih lai hian dar 1 a ri tawh a, eng tia thui nge ka chhuk tawh pawh ka hre thei lo. Chaw ei phawt a, ramngaw lama luh a, zawi zawia vah chhoh ka tum ta a.

Chawi ka ei hnu chuan thui lo te lui chu ka zawh chho leh a, ramngaw lamah chuan ka lut ta a. Chhawl a ro bawk a, vawn tur a awm vak lo bawk nen a chang chuan ka tawlh thla leh hawn hawn thin. Ka tum dan chuan a la hma bawk a, zawi muanga chhoh a, lo eng emaw ber pawh ka tum a. Ka silai pawh chu hnawksak tih chang a tam mai, a paina hrui chhing tawkin ka suih a, ka pai ta daih a. A aiah ka chem ka phawrh ve thung a, hruizik ka hmuh remchan deuh te chu ka kheh zel bawk a. Ka lo chhuk thui hle a ni ang, lo reng reng ka pawh thei ta hlek lo mai! Ram chin ka hre bawk si lo va, mang a ang ru riau mai. Ramngaw chu a thim tan ta hle mai a, sava riak tur thawm hriat tur a awm deuh reng bawk a. Ka chau deuh tawh bawk nen, ka thu chawl ta ngawt a.

Ka chawlh chhung chuan ka kal dan tur ka ngaihtuah a, a tawpah chuan mual tlang hriam lam zelah kal ila; thingah te ka lawn chuan lo chul eng emaw ber chu a hmuh theih ka ring a. Tichuan, ka theih anga chakin ka kal leh ta a, ramngawa ka  awm laia khuain min thim hnan vaih chuan ka buai nasa dawn tih ka hre sa, hmehen ka nei bawk si lo. Rilruin ar bo a zawng tak meuh a ni! Tlak lam ram hi ka lo hre ngai lo va, ka tet laia lo kan riah tuma ka pa thu sawi “tlaklam ramah chuan ni a tlak rualin khua a thim thin” a tih chu ka hre chhuak ve ta chiah a! Thil hriat chhuah nuam tak chu a ni lo. A changin ka tlu a, ka kal tawhna lamah chuan ka tawlh thla leh vak thin. Ka silai chu tihpuah palh ka hlau bawk si, a mu phawrh ngawt chu ka duh bik si lo. Ka chem chu ka ipteah ka dah a, silai chu ka keng leh ta zawk a.

Ramngaw chu a thim tial tial a; chutih lai chuan buarachawm sava hi ka hmaah a tlan zai zai a, chauh tawh nak alaiin man ka han tum a, a theih awzawng lo mai a. Ka thinrim chuan tin pawh tin tha lovin musepin ka phuh ta thawt mai a! Ka han chhar chu a lo chip nuaih mai a, a thau tehreng nen lak tlak a awm lo khawp mai. Ka ip-ah dah ka han tum a, ka chem a awm ta miah lo mai. Awmna chin mumal pawh hriat theih loh laia chem leh zel a han bo chu mang a ang tak zet a ni. Ka kalna ngaiah  chuan ka let leh a, in dung chen pawh ka la kal hman lo vang tihah chuan chhawl karah a fawng lo lang chu ka hmu a, rilru a nuam huai mai. Mahse, ka hawna tur bawk chu rilruah a lo lang leh lo thei lo va, a tawpah chuan a tul phawt chuan chawfun a la awm bawk a, khawi lai thingbul rem deuhah emaw ka riak mai ang tiin rilru ka siam a. Ngaw chu a thiam  mup tawh avangin thui a hmuh theih tawh lova. Vawikhat phei chu Buangro rual riak tur hi ka va thawng tho thut mai a, sava rual thlabar hlau em em mai ngaw thim deuh mup kara han hram chu sava mai mai mah nih se hriat a nuam lo khawp mai!

Khua a thim fel a. Thim zingah chuan ka kal zel a, thian nei lova ka lo kal ta kher kher chu ka inchhir rum rum a. Kal pahin ka tawngtai a, rilruah a lut mawh khawp mai. A tawpah chuan  kawngte reuh te hlui zet mai hi ka va pawh ta hlawl mai a, thla a va han muang tak em! Ka thu chawt a, ka tui pai ka phawrh a; thaw huam huam chungin ka in bawrh bawrh a. Kawng chu ka zawh chhoh zel chuan lo a pawh ngei ngei ka ring a. Minute 10 vel ka chawlh hnu chuan thla a lo chhuak a, harsa lutuk lovin kalna ka hmuh thei ta a, zawi muangin kawng chu ka zawh chho a. Fingkhat emaw lek ka kal hnu chuan lo chul hi ka va pawh a, thla eng hnuaiah chul reh ruih maiah chun ka chho zel a. Lo pathum vel ka kalpel hnu chuan ka chhohna lam tur ni lo pakhatah chuan mei eng ka hmu a, mihring an awm chu ring mah ila thla a muang tak tak thei lo, ding meuhin ka thlir a, thawm a awm bawk si lo.

Ka silai chu hmet per mai thei turin ka inring a, mei eng lo chhuahna lam chu thawm nei miah lovin ka pan ta a. Pen sawmhnih leka buk ka hnaih hnu chuan, ring deuh maiin “tunge buk chhungah awm” ka han ti a, buk atang chuan “keimah Thanga, min va han tiphu nasa ve.  Zira, i haw daih tawh emaw ka ti a sin, I va tlai ve” tih leh buk atang chhuah chu a rual a. Eee… nangmah i ni maw, midang daih i nih ka ring a ka tia. Bukah chuan chawl tur a min tih avangin ka chawl a, ka kalna vel te chu ka sawi luam a. Ani chuan mual inang a tam thu te, a kal tawh tam tak tan pawh bo a awl thu te a sawi a. Ka hahdam deuh hnu chuan hawna tur a la thui bawk sia, kan inmangtha a. Zawi muangin ka haw chho ta a. Lo tawp ber vauah chuan tui a awm a, ka in zuai a. Thla pawh a lo eng tawh viau mai a, Lungsekawt tlang ka chuan chhuah chuan eng emaw tiriau hian ka lung a leng tlat mai! Chhun lama ka vahna ram chu ka thlir a, a reh vung vung a. Chu khamráng to lurh mai chungah chuan ka ding a, thla engin a bul vela thang (Hnim) nem han chhun te chu a mawiin a lunglen thlak  kher mai. Chutah chuan rei fe thlifim dawngin ka awm a, thil tam tak rilruah a lut a, ngaihtuahna a thlawk kual nasa khawp mai. Tun hnua ka ngaihtuah chhuah leh te hian kha zan anga ka lunglen kha sawi tur ka la hre miah lo!. A tawi zawngin kawng tluang vek a ni tawh bawk a, hmanhmawh em em lovin ka kal zel a, dar 9 velah in ka thleng a. Chhungten min lo ngaihtuah hman viau leh nghal a, a nuam vak lo. Ka inbual zo chu ka chau bawka ka mu nghal bawrh bawrh a…

Thursday, August 11, 2011


Bawitlung hi Halkha hnam  Lai / Pawi chi peng pakhat a ni a. Lailun atang khawrua khawlu Zotlangah, chuta tangin tuna Halkha bial leh Thlantlang bialah an darh zau a. Hnam tam tak ah an in then a, Semthang, Lautu, Zophei, Fanai, Mara, Mie, Thaw etc… an ni. Heta tang hian hnam peng tam takah an inthen leh a, Chinzah, Zahnak, Hlawngchhing, Khenglawt, Zathang, Bawitlung , Chenhrang etc…te an ni. Mi huaisen hnam an ni.

Chin Hills lama  hnam hlawm lian berte chu  Zahthang, Chinzah, Zahau leh Bawitlung an ni a. Halkha rama Bawitlung chuan Duhlian tawng an hmang lova, tute emaw tan chuan mizo  dik tak  an ni lo. Mahse Mizoram a Bawitlung ho chu mizo inti tak an ni. Fanai leh Bawitlung ho tawng chu Halkha tlangdung tawng hi a ni a, Thlantlang lama Bawitlung ho pawhin Lai tawng an hmang vek zawk. Duhlian tawng hi zohnahthlak tehfungah a hman tlak loh a, Lai / Pawi hnam peng hrang hrang te hi mizo vek an ni. Chenna leh tlakna leilung a zirin tawng te chu a danglam thin, tawng chu tawng a ni a; hnam chu thisen siam a ni. Mizoram chhim lam Lawngtlai vel bawrah Chinzah, Zahthang leh Bawitlung te hi an hlawm tha a. Zirna in leh khawtualah Lai tawng aia duhlian tawng a lar zawk avang leh a pawimawh zawk avangin Lai tawng thiam lo an tam tawh viau a ni.

Pawi ho chuan chhipah sam an zial thin a, chu chu “ hrum ” an ti. Pawi tih aiin Lai tih hi an hmang hmasa zawk a, a lar zawk bawk. Pawi tih tawngkam lo chhuahna chu hetiang hian an sawi: Pi leh pu hun atang tawh a leido nei a inrun thin hnam kan ni a. Lai pasaltha ho hian raldo nikhuaah in vaupum nan leh insawiphurnan “ keimah Pawhte ” ( Lai tawng chuan keite tihna ) an hmang thin a, a awmzia chu “ keimah  keite ” tihna a ni. A lo hretute khan “ Pawite ’’ tiin an lo hre mai zawk a ni awm e, an mahni chuan Lai an inti.

Fanai pakhup hi Fanai zingah chuan upa ber niin an sawi a, Bawitlung hi Fanai unau zingah chhiar tel an ni a. Sawi leh hriat dan a inang lova, sawi dan chi khatah chuan Fanai in an awmpui an duat em em ania, Bawitlung tih a lo chhuahna pawh “ kan bawi a rawn tlung ” tih atang Bawitlung hi lo chhuak niin an sawi a. Heta “ bawi ” tih hi “ sal ” tihna an ti a. Mahse Bawitlung ho ve thung chuan an mahni hi fanai lal an ni a, a rawn haw kha “ kan bawi a ra tlung ” ( haw ) tihna a ni a. Lai tawngin bawi ( lal ), tlung ( haw ) tihna a ni a. A awmzia chu “ kan lal a lo haw ” tihna a ni. Chutiang chuan Bawitlung tih a lo ni an ti a, eng nge dik zawk hriat a har khawp mai. Eng pawh chu nise Fanai leh Bawitlung hi hnam in unau tha tak an ni.

Tin, Lai hnam zingah Hlawndo, Bawitlung, Tlumang leh Fanai te hian sakei hi sa serh ah an neih a. A zimna leh a aihnaah pawh an tel ve ngai lo. Keimi Hlawndawhthanga kha fanai thlahtu bulpui a ngaih a ni.

Tuesday, July 5, 2011


Kan nitin nunah mobile phone kan hmang nasa ve ta hle mai. Tangkai leh remhre tak a hmang an awm laiin, a then chuan  inbiakna leh hla ngaihthlakna bakah kan hmang lem lo a. Kan phone neih a zirin  data leh file tam tak kan dah lut thei tih chu kan hre theuh ang. Computer ang thoin  apps leh softwares awmsa lo tangkai tak tak a dah theuh theih a. Symbian Operating System (OS) hmang ho tan deuh bik a tangkai zual tawi te tein lo sawi dawn theh ang. 

(1). F- Eplorer : Password nen thlap i phone chhunga thil awm kha i hide (thup) thei ang. Tin, softwares leh games thawn chhuahnan a tha .
(2). Total Recall, Call Recorder   : Incoming leh outgoing call kha background ah automatic in ri bengchheng awm miah lovin a lo record char char ang, i duh hunah i la ngaithla leh thei dawn a ni .
(3). SMS Timer, SMS Scheduler, SMS planner : Hei hi a tha khawp mai, a hming atang hian a hriat thiam nghal mai a. I sms thawn duh hun darkar, minute leh i thawn duh zat nen lam   i set theihna a ni. A hun takah khawih buai ngai lovin a lo  tawh mai dawn a ni.
(4). Profimail  : File editing, copy, paste, email khawih vel nan a tha a, softwares leh games thawn nan a remchang khawp mai.
(5). Net Front, Skyfire : Internet khawihna browser hi duh thlan tur tam tak a awm a, a chunga kan sawi pahnih te khi an tha viau a. Opera mini v 6.1 hi hman a nuam viau bawk a version hrang hrang download tur  a awm. UC Browser v7.8 hi thil download nan  duhthusam a ni e.
(6). Ultra Mp3, Ogg Player, Smart Movie : Player changkang hman nuam leh skin mawi tak tak nen a hla play na a ni. TTpot  hi  mp3 leh wav file play nan  a tha bawk a, skin nalh tak tak a nei. Coreplayer leh Smart Movie te hi video en nan a tha bawk. File format lar thenkhat 3gp, mp4, mkv, mpg, avi te a play thei.
(7). Call Cheater : Kan biak peih loh kan nin deuh zawng ten a min lo call a, ri bengchheng tak tak  lo ngaihthlak tir nan a tha, call a lo chhang thei bawk.
(8). Blackbeller :  I contact list a mi leh unknown phone number ( i list a awm lo) ho SMS / MMS / Call  lo block na tha tak a ni.
Heng bakah Scientific Calculator,Expenses, Shopping Calendar, Dictionaries chi hrang hrang te  sawi tur a tam mai. A hnuai a websites ah te hian mobile softwares leh apps i mamawh chu i hmu thei deuh vek ang : - 

Thursday, June 2, 2011


RIH DIL : mitthi thlarauin mitthi khua a panna kawng a,  paltlang ngei ngei ni a  pi leh  puten an hriat chu thlasik ni eng siar hnuai ah ke ngatin kan hel a. Tlang bawm romei te chu a mawiin , a ram boruak hrim hrim hian lung a tileng kher mai!

Dil chu a lo mawi viau mai a!...

Hei hi a chhak zu dawr atanga a lan dan ...

Rih ram luah Golden Jubilee lungphun – Feb ni 5, 1942-ah Rilh ram hi luah tan a ni a, ni 5 April 1992 ah kum 50 a tlinna champha hriat reng nan he lung hi an phun a ni.

Chawngchilhi lim – mizo thawnthu a rulpui fa pai kha! En ve ngei kan duh a vangin km. 2 dawn let lam nen kein kan kal.

Thursday, April 21, 2011


Mihringte  hian kan damchhung nun hi eng nge a nih tih pawh ngaihtuah lem lovin tam tak chuan kan hmang liam mai mai a. A thenin an damchhung hun rei lo te chu thil tha tihnan leh mite tanpui nana an hmanhlel laiin, a tam zawk hi chuan chhutiang lam chu kan ngaihtuah vak ngai lem lo. Mi thenkhat chuan damchhung mai ni lo, he khawvel an chhuahsan hnu  thleng a mite rilru leh thinlung a riak reng tawh tur thil an ti a, hming ropui tak an chher laiin, a tam zawk hi chuan kan damchhung tawi te ah pawh hming thatna khum lovin, zahawmna thlengin kan hlauh thin. 

Tumah mahni maiin kan awm thei lova, a huho va cheng a intanpui dial dial tura siam kan ni. Kan tihtheih leh hriat te inchen mah suh se, kan inmamawh tawn theuh a. Kan Mizo thufing ah pawh , “ Lungpui pawh lungtein a kamki loh chuan a awm thei lo” tih te leh thil dang tam tam tak kan nei. History kan chhiar chuan mi ropui tak tak te leh an thil tih te kan hre thin. Khang zawng zawng kha mi fing leh thahnem ngai te inpekna liau liau a ni a. Chung mi te chu an dam chhungin ropui takin an leng a, an thihhnu ah pawh mi te rilru ah hmun an chang reng tawh thin.

Khawvel ah hian vawikhat bak kan piang dawn lova, mite tan a thil tha tih te, mahni mihring pui hmangaih te hi kan tih tur a ni.  Kum hlun tur tumah  kan awm lo, nun hi uluk tak a kan hman a ngai a ni. Pathian thuhriltu ropui tak tak te , lehkha ziaktu hmingthang-te leh mi te tana thil tha titu te hi chu an boral pawhin mite thinlungah an cheng reng thin. English poet ropui tak Ben Johnson-a chuan a hla pakhat, “ The Noble Nature “ ah chuan thil tha tih hlut zia mawi takin tiang hian a lo phuah a-

It is not growing like a tree,
In bulk, doth make man better be;
Or, standing long an Oak, three hundred years,
To fall a long at last, dry, bald and sere.
A lily of a day
Is fairer in May
Although it fall and die that night-
It was the plant and flower of light.
In small proportions we just beauties see;
And in short measures life may perfect be
Kan dam rei avang ngawtin kan ropui  lova, ngaihsan kan hlawh na hek lo. Oak thing chu kum za thum hial dam thei mahse, a tawpah a hnah tlakawlin a hrinna a hlauh a, thingtum hnawk sak tak a ni mai thin. A leh lamah chuan lily chu ni khat lek par mahse, pangpar mawi tak a ni a, mi te rilru ah hlimna leh lawmna a pe a, Oak aiin dam rei lo mahse mi te ngaihnat leh lawm a hlawh a.  Nipui thaw tirah mawi takin a lo par thin. 

Mi tute mai pawh hian kan damchhungin mi te hriat hlawh leh mi ropui nih kan duh vek ka ring.  Mahse mi zawng zawngin kan nei thei si lo. Hei hi rim tak a thawh chhuah tur a ni tih kan theihnghilh leh thin. Hmingthatna hi thawh chhuah ngei tur a ni a, zahawmna hi hlauh miah loh tur a ni. Robindranath Tagore chuan “ Nunna hi nipui pangpar te angin mawi se la, thihna pawh hi favang lai thing hnahte angin “ a lo ti a. Aw!... hringnun hi hetiangin mawi se chu khawvel hi a va nuam dawn em!

Bible-ah chuan “ I nunna chu enge ni? Chhum rei lo te lo lang a ral leh ta mai thin ang hi a ni ’’ tih Jacob-a 4:16 –ah kan hmu a. Hei hian mihring nun derdep zia leh tawi zia chiang takin min hrilh. Hman tlak loh nun chu hma taka thi ang a nih dawn chu.  Mi tumahin kan thih hun tur kan hre lo va, tunah hian mite tan a thil tha tih duhna thinlung kan neih phawt chuan, kan awm hmun atang pawh hian mi te tan malsawmna kan ni thei reng a ni. Mite tana thil tha ti mi chuan a duh reng vang leh phut chhuah ni lovin, hmingthatna leh chawimawina a khum a, a taksa leiah phum a nih hnu ah pawh ropui takin a nung dawn a ni.

Mi pangai khaw eng thlir phak chin chuan kan damchhungin chhungkua, khawtlang leh ram tan mi tangkai leh chhenfakawm nih kan duh theuh ka ring thin. Kan damchhung nun chu a tawi emaw a sei emaw mi te chuan kan thil tih ah min theh fo zawk dawn a lo ni. Chuvangin, “ Dam rei leh rei loh ai chuan dam chhung nun hman dan hi a ngaihpawimawh awm zawk ‘’ Abraham Lincoln te, Simon Bolivar te, Sir Winston Churchill te, Mother Teresa te chuan khawvel hi chhuahsan tawh mahse theihnghilh theih an ni tawh lo a. Chutiangin English literature tiropui tu ber William Shakespeare te hla phuah thiam ropui nun tawi, John Keats a te bakah mi dang tam tak khawvel hriat reng tawh tur te an awm. Zofa te zingah ngei pawh mizo hnam kan ral hma loh a hming dai tawh ngai lo tur, hnam rohlu kan nei ve ta nual mai. A va lawmawm tak em!

Khawvel ah hian tumah ropui sain kan piang lova, kan intiropui chawp mai a ni. Thlahtu nu leh pa atang reng a chhungkaw zahawm leh ropui chu an awm na meuh mai, mahse chu lam erawh a kawk ber lo. Kan nu leh pate chu eng ang pawhin lo hausain ropui mah se thi ve thei tho an ni. An tel lova khawvel hi a nihna anga hmachhawn hun kan la nei dawn, mahni pawh intanpui thei lo i nih chuan mi te tan i tangkai thei ngai lo vang.

Zirna lamah pawh lehkha thiam nih a, officer nih ngawt kha zahawmna a ni chuang lo. Kan nun hi kan uluk tur a ni a, thil ho te te atang hian kan nun hi kan siam tha tur a ni. Mite zing a awm dan mawi leh nun dan tha te zir tur a ni a, kan awmna apiangah hmantlak ni turin kei mahni kan inenfiah fo tur a ni. Mi chu lehkha thiam officer lian tak pawh ni se, hman leh chhawrna a awm loh a, a ram leh hnam , khawtlang leh  a mihring pui te chungah thil tha tih duhna a neih chuan si loh chuan,  englai mahin  mite rilru leh thinlungah lawm leh hriat a hlawh tak tak ngai lo. Heng mite hi an khawngaihthlak a, khawvel an chhuahsan rualin an hming leh ropui ni a an inhriat ve na te nen lamin zankhat mumang ang lekin boruak ah a zam ral nghal thin.

He hringnun khawvel hi mi tumahin kan zawh tawp hun tur kan hre lova, kan cham chhung a mi tana thil tha kan tih ve theih te chu tun atang hian tih nghal a fuh ber fo vang. I nun hman tawh dan te chhut kir la, mite tan malsawmna nge i nih thin a, rilru hliamtu tih te  ngaihtuah rawh. Hringnun hi thlirlet loh chuan hriat thiam theih a ni ngai lo. I khawvel zinkawng a tawp hun pawh a mi te rilru a eng ang a hriat nge i duh tih te ngaihtuah la, a tihlawhtling thei turin hringnun hi fimkhur takin zawh tum ang che. Tun hi kan vai atan hun tha chu a ni si a.

Saturday, March 12, 2011


Our prominent and renowned writer P.C. Biaksiama published his book ‘Insuatna Rapthlak ‘in 2005. As we know that there arose a lot of controversy whether to have more children or not. And if I am not mistaken, his main theme is to encourage the people to have as many children as they can, claiming that children are God’s gift. It seems that he draws much attention from the people and most of the people are impressed by his view. But there are some people who openly criticized this view in the newspapers. Since this topic is a very important issue, I am going to write a few lines regarding birth control in Mizoram while dealing with the global, particularly India as a whole. And here, all my standpoints will be from economic point of view.

The problem of population explosion is the most serious problem being faced nowadays. It does not only hamper the economic development of a country, but also leads a lower standard of living of the people. Gone were the days when we the Mizos considered large family as great and honorable and prestigious.  This old belief may still prevail in the mind of some people. It is true, at this time, every family wanted to have large members merely because they need them in agricultural operations and families with large members are considered as great and powerful in all the Mizos history. Moreover, they considered each child as an additional means to increase their family income. So they have more wage earners but also more mouth to feed, and consequently large family and poverty go together. Such was the time of ignorance, a time in which we considered agriculture as the only occupation for subsistence. But now, the time is changed and really different. It is high time to check the increasing population.

Due to the advancement in science and technology, almost every thing is easier which makes human life comfortable. This advancement brought the world closer and the whole world is like a ‘global village‘. Despite this development, we may also say that our world is expanding, in the sense that we are living in a highly competitive world and there is a wide gap between the rich and the poor. And here lies the advantage of having a limited / small family. With a small family, one can send one’s children to good schools; give him better standard of living, proper health care and social security. So today it is much more preferable to have small family if we really care for our children’s future. An individual must know that the size of his family should be such as to feed his family by his income. Similarly, the size of population should be such as to feed all the people by utilizing the natural resources of the country.

We often hear about family planning, but it is very unfortunate that most people do not understand what it means. Family planning does not necessarily mean that one should have a limited family at any cost. It just means that one should have a child not by chance but by choice, and the choice must be carefully decided by him. So giving food is not alone is not enough and we have to consider their clothing, education and so on. Thus it means that an individual must maintain his family within his capacity to feed and upbringings.

Population explosion, perhaps, is the most formidable and crucial problem faced today. The population of the world in 2005 was approximately estimated at 6.396 million. The six billion mark was reach on October 12th, 1999. Population growing at 78 million a year has doubled since 1960. The noticeable thing is that over 95% of population growth is found in developing country. However, Population growth has slow in Europe, North America and Japan. According to the new projections, by 2050, world population is expected to reach 8.9 billion. The population of the world in 2005 is shown in the table below.
                           SIZE OF WORLD POPULATION – 2005
o               Countries                                                            Population
o                  Asia                                                                  3879,000,000
o                  Africa                                                               877,500,000
o                  Europe                                                             727,000,000
o                  North America                                                501,500,000
o                  South America                                                379,500,000
o                  Australia / Oceana                                         32,000,000
o                  Antarctica                                                              0
o                  Total                                                                6,396,500,00

The above table shows that population is growing fastest in the poorest countries. Asia, being the largest continent has more population than any other continent. It accounts for more than 1/6 of the total population of the world. The fastest growing regions are sub-Saharan Africa, parts of south Asia and Western Asia. Their share of the global population has been increasing steadily for 40 years. Within six years, it is expected that more than half of human beings will live in cities for the first time in history, according to new projections. The world’s population will be dominated by Asia and Africa.

In term of population, the largest cities in 1990 were London, New York , Paris, Berlin and Chicago. But as per the new projections, by 2015 Tokyo, Mumbai, Lagos, Dhaka, Sao Paulo will be the biggest. And by that time, 53 per cent of the world’s population will be city-dwellers. But the gap between rich and poor will be much wider.
                                            POPULATION OF INDIA:

The population of India is increasing at a very fast rate.  The growth rate is 1.93 per cent during 1991-2001. It is estimate that at this present rate of growth, by 2050, India will overtake china. Population wise, India is the second largest in the world after another Asian giant China. The population of India crossed one billion marks on May 4th 2000. India account for a meager 2.4 per cent of the world’s surface area of 135.79 million sq. km. but it supports and sustains a whopping 16.7 per cent of the world’s population. In India, a population census is conducted for better understanding of our position because this throws a flood of light on basic facts relating to India’s population.

The rapid growth of population is the greatest stumbling block for the economic development of a country. Every nation, whether rich or poor, are affected by it, but its effect is much worse in developing countries than in develop countries. This worse effect of population explosion can be easily seen in India, Ethiopia, China, Bangladesh etc. where the growth rate is exclusively high.

             Population and its Growth Rate 1901 2001
   Census Year
Population [ in million]

Average Growth
  Year of Great Divide
          - 0.03
                Source: Census of India 2001

It is often heart that India is an over populated country. This is the most crucial problem which India has faced since 1950. The question whether India is over- populated or not has risen a bit of controversy in the country. There are two school of thought-holding different views, one is Malthusian Theory and another is Optimum or Modern Theory on over-populated country. The former opines that India is over populated and the later said that India has not yet exceeded its optimum point. If we just said that both the theories provide India an over-populated country, it will be incomplete. So, we shall try to analyze both theories in connection with Indian population as short as possible.

The first professional economist, T.R.Malthus (1776-1834) discovered the theory that growth of population could not but reduce the subsistence level. As he put it: Population, when unchecked, increase in geometrical ratio (2,4,8,16 and so on) but subsistence/ food grains production increases in arithmetical ratio (1,2,3,4, and so on). He studied the problem of population in relation to food production in a particular country. According to him, over-population exists in the country, if populations increase faster than food production. Over population will cause starvation, outbreak of (epidemic) disease in the country. The existence of high birth rate and high death rate and absence of preventive measure to checked the growing population; have been suggested by Malthus as symptoms of over-population.

The Malthusian test of over- population proves that India is an over-populated country. The production of food grains is low in India, because there is no appreciable change in the technique of cultivation for stepping up the productivity of land. It has to imports food grains from other countries. Between 1991 and 2001, the population increases by 183 millions whereas the area under cultivation hardly increases by 8.1 per cent. The total production of food grains between 2001-2002 is 212 million tones. So, there is an acute storage of food which resulted in famine or near famine in many part of the country.

The recently released UNICEF Reports has pointed a grim picture of malnutrition among children in India. It is a matter of great disappointment and serious concern that one in four children under five in developing countries is underweight (27% of 140 million). And India accounts for 57 million of them and every year about 6, 00,000 under five (5) child death can be averted, if proper health care and feeding are given. Moreover, the birth rate and death rate are also exclusively high in India. In short all the symptoms of over-population according to Malthusian Theory are founded in India.

However, the modern economists argued that the concept of over-population by Malthus on the ground that Malthus could not foresee the development of advance agriculture method, that were to increase the yield per acre manifold and thus ensure a more rapid increase in food supply. But some economists held the view that the Malthusian prediction may still come true because there is no assurance that the world can continue to feed its growing population. The Malthusian theory is still valid on seeing the population pressure of India, Ethiopia, China, Bangladesh, Hong Kong, and other parts of the globe where there is a constant race between the size of population and food production.

According to optimum theory, the growth of population in a country has to be equated not with food production alone but in the production of total quantity of wealth and per-capita income. The theory assumed that in spite of the increase in population, if the per-capita income increases, the country will not be regarded as an over-populated country. Only when the actual population exceeds the optimum point (desirable point of population), the per-capita income will fall as there is no scope for increasing the total wealth of the country through increase in population. In this case, over population will occur.

India may have vast resource, if it is not fully exploited, its total wealth will hardly increase and consequently it will not be possible to maintain the existing the population in reasonable health and efficiency. The per capita income of India is still very low comparing with other countries of the world. The present rate of India’s economic growth, existing the population has been much in excess of what can be maintain by its resource. The per capita income may increase, but the real income per head diminished in India. So, we have to consider the issue not in the relation to per-capita money income, but in relation to per capita real income. Thus, from the said two sets of tests, India is an over- populated country in relative sense but not in the absolute sense.

There are various factors responsible for the rapid increase in population. The major factors are poverty, ignorance and illiteracy. In most cases, poverty and large families are found together. Because the poor ignorance masses considered it child as an additional means to their family income. This is also the main reason why our country (India) has the largest number of child labour in the world. According to International Labor  Organization (ILOs) Reports, at present, there are 245 million child labour in the world and in India there are 12-44 millions labour. Moreover, the old aged custom of child marriage, and the belief that children are God gifted has led to the formation of large families. 

With the advancement in medical sciences, death rate has declined but birth rate has remained more or less the same. The high birth rate is responsible for the great spurt of our population problems. This rapid Birth rate brings about arises in the non- working age group (dependent population) of the entire population. The economic resource are being drained away to feed this social parasites, and consequently, the over all economic development of a country is slowed.

The government has now realized the threats of the growing population and is taking various steps to solve the problem yet, it is not fully successful. Many times government are also hampered by social custom and religion. For example, Britain’s Marie Slopes’ attempt to bring birth control to the Meos of Muslim tribe residing in the Gurgaon district of northern poor  India ( where literacy percentage of women is only 2%) has virtually failed because they are uneducated and do not feel the need for reducing family members. They need more children for agricultural operation. Besides, Muslim fundamentalists also strongly opposed birth control.

The rapid growth of population can be checked by the application of the contraceptive, late marriage, moral restrain, family planning programmes etc. People should be educated and marriageable age of girl must be raised, so that their productive period will be short and population growth will go down. Besides, agriculture product should be increase by introducing scientific method of cultivation. Although family planning programmes is very essential in combating population growth, due to certain difficulties like illiteracy and conservatism of the people, the high cost of contraceptive and absence of clinics where one can go and take the advice of physicians. These difficulties must be removed first in order to succeed in family planning. So, the government should provide cheap and effective contraceptive at the door step of the people.

It is high time to check the growing population for the people of India. Unless our growth rate is reduced, our economic development will have wobbly legs and the pace of development will be decelerated. The people of India, especially those who are educated and illiterate must consider it their responsibility to have a limited family. Although the government tries its level best and takes various steps, there is lot to be done. The government can not bring fruitful results; it needs the help of the people also. So, let us all march together to remove poverty by having limited/ small family. It is here that our development lies and nothing could be more challenging than this population explosion at this present state of our motherland.

Thursday, February 17, 2011


A chung a thlalak ka vawm bei hi, thlanpui thlalak a ni a. Chuan thlalak pahnihna a thlan kotlang a, puan var a tuam khi ruhro an lakchhuah a ni a. Mi ruang dang an dah leh hnuin ruhro hi a chung lamah an dah leh thin. Hetiang hian Mizoram khaw thenkhat ah chuan thlan an la siam a, an chhungte boral an awm a piangin thlan hlui kha an hai a, an indah lut leh mai thin. Hei hi thatna tam tak a awm a, hun leh tha a hek lo a, tin thlanmual ram khat hma lutuk tur nasa takin a veng thei bawk. A leh lamah chuan thlan hawn reng hi hriselna lam atan a pawi thei mai thei bawk. Mi ten chhe deuh leh rimche tuar chak deuh tan lo chuan tlawmngaih chhuah pawh thil harsa tak a ni ngei ang.

Thubeh: Kan la thiin kan la inphum zel dawn a, hetiang a thlan siam a mitthi dang an awm apiang a hawn a inphum leh mai hi a tha a ngem? Thlanmual ram hi a khat chak nasa mai si a, tun ang reng a kan kal zel chuan hmun ruakin min daih lo thuai ang a, inphum turin hla tak tak pan a la ngai dawn a ni. Inphum dan tha leh hautak lo deuh zawk kan ngaihtuah chhuah vat a ngai.